Thoughts on 2019

My thoughts have been on all the things I want to do and can do if I put my mind to it. It’s been a sub-conscious plan in the making, though, as I wonder on the depth and width of my commitments in order to keep up with them this year… I feel good about what I can accomplish with a little bit of focus (okay, a lot…). And then, I almost closed my laptop without even posting a blog on the first day. No, I didn’t forget… the task just slipped away like all the other times and January begins with the same promise of things to be, all the while consumed with things that are. I wondered and pondered the extent of my content and frequency – once a day, once a week… let’s be honest, how about once a month??? I was even gifted one of those little desk calendars for 2019 with a “word a day.” It would be a good plan to use them as inspiration to at least provide the content for one post a week thereby expanding learning and writing/creativity in one fell swoop. Today’s word is “auld lang syne” a noun that is defined as old times, especially times fondly remembered. An appropriate word for the first day of a new year when one usually reflects on the past year and all endeavors either done or not. Perhaps, we get too wrapped up in the reflection and forget about the here and now, which is the most important. Looking too far into the future actually scares me – the inevitable – so I would rather keep my focus on the moment, on the task at hand, with the presence of mind.

The day was quiet for my part – there was lots of activity as Kelsey was busy moving things to a new place – so her 2019 journey begins. I don’t expect there to be any less or any more of anything this year as we must take whatever is put in our path. We deal with it, throw it aside, or it blocks us in some emotional or physical way that takes time to process. There are some things I don’t want, of course, because no one wants to lose another person from their circle. My job is great and will be busy. My company is doing well and there are already a number of agreements set up for this year’s book releases. Nothing new there as we look to book events and writing-related activities. Spent most of today working on a current release formatting.

I am working on improving my health and well-being through gently increasing activity, being mindful of what I am eating, and looking after myself with the help of my own personal trainer. Drink enough water. Consume less sugar and gluten. Eat more vegetables. You know, the usual. I still deal with significant pain on a daily basis with some days better/worse than others. My knees are a primary source, but unfortunately, it does not stop there most days. Spending time with friends and family helps keep my soul full. Writing, reading, doing puzzles, drawing, photography – all provide a means of creative enjoyment. Road trips are always in the cards as I continue to highlight trips in my Alberta map book – the goal to use roads less traveled.

As you can see, I will be occupied as usual and there is no end to the things that one can accomplish throughout the year. It’s not about obtaining everything, striving for everything, wanting everything. I like the word going around this past holiday season and I believe it is what we should employ in our daily lives – enough. If you have enough of what you need and enough of what you love and enough of what you dream of … then happiness and prosperity are already yours. So, for 2019, I wish you enough. May peace and prosperity, good health and happiness be yours.  Remember, set achievable goals and reap the benefits of accomplishment. Have a wondrous New Year.

One thought on “Thoughts on 2019

  1. A New Year and a ‘new’ journey, that is the theme of the many posts on social media but really we are going forth into another with hopes and dreams as we do every year.
    Enjoy the companionship of good friends, family and new ventures and adventures.

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